Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Confessional


I Confess... Last week there were two times that Bryan and I were thinking the same thing at the same time. It was almost creepy how in tune with each other. One was over food and one was over a important issue.

I Confess... I am worried about my cousin. He is recovering from bacterial meningitis and although home from the hospital, still has a long road to recovery. He's also a recovering alcholic and I just pray that God touches his body and makes him whole again... and he doesn't relapse either way.

I Confess... I am a little worn out this week. Tuesday was a Utah holiday which just threw everything off. I feel like I have had 2 Mondays which is never a good thing.

I Confess... I got a new camera. Its a Nikon D3100 and I am super excited to learn it and start taking pictures. I am going to take a class at our local camera shop. I love doing pictures!

I Confess... as excited as I am for the kids to go back to school in a few weeks, this summer has flown by. This means we are like 3 wks away from having Ty is Jr High. I swear in my head it was yesterday that I walked her to the kindergarten bus.

I Confess... we went to Tough Enough to Wear Pink night at the rodeo this week. My family and friends came along and we had a good time. We always go as a tribute to my mom... for her brave battle against breast cancer (twice!). I thank God for all the blessings she has been in our lives and pray for a cure so no one else has to go through this.

What are you confessing?!


Rebecca said...

i'm with you this summer has flown by and sending goods thoughts your way for your family.

Anonymous said...

I confessed some worries over my kid starting kindergarten this week; I can't imagine how I will feel when middle school comes!

Jill said...

I hope your cousin gets well soon!

I love taking pictures, but I don't know if I have the patience to learn how to use one of those big fancy cameras. Taking classes is a good idea! Good luck with it!!

Unknown said...

Time just flies by when you are having fun! Lord, please heal Lisa's relative! We know You are almighty and powerful! Work a miracle in his body and soul! Amen!

Mamarazzi said...

big daddy and i have that thinking the same thing at the same time thing too..he even mentioned it in HIS confessions this week.

thanks for linking up!!