Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years 2011

Well... New Years 2011 wasnt exactly what I was hoping for.
I ended up going to the emergency room, Dr's office, OBGYN's office, and back to the hospital on Thursday afternoon due to pain in my abdomain. The U/S I had done earlier in the week showed I had an enlarged ovary on the right side along with 2 raquetball sized cysts. My pain went crazy Thursday afternoon and after seeing Dr after Dr, they decided to take me to the hospital to remove the ovary and cysts on the right side and drain the new cyst that had popped up on the left. I am super tired and in some pain, but I know in the long run having this done is going to be much better b/c of what I've been going through the past couple of weeks.
They sent the ovary to pathology and did an ovarian cancer blood test, so I ask for prayers of not only healing, but good news.
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.

~ Psalms 73:26, NLT


faith0426 said...

Praying for you girl ;)

jennykate77 said...

Praying for you...hoping that your 2011 is healthy, happy, and propserous!