Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tylenol and Slushie= no fever?

Drew's daycare called yesterday about 1030am to say he had a tummy ache and a fever. Ends up the fever was 103. His dad ended up going to get him... he puked 2x. I asked if he puked on his dad, my ex didn't think I was too funny. LOL

He was up all night with the fever...hot as could be. He climbed in bed with us and I was up all night sweating because of the heat box next to me. This morning he was better, it was down to 99 with no throwing up... but is complaining of a headache.

So I worked from home today to make sure he was ok. Fevers and people with seizure disorders dont go together, but so far he hasnt had a seizure but I keep checking on him.

He told me a minute ago, "Momma... my head hurts really bad. the only thing that is gonna help is a slushie from 7-11". Nice try, kid.

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