Monday, October 20, 2008

Drew and the Tooth Fairy

I picked up the kids last night from their dad and Drew was so excited to show me he lost his first tooth. The adult took was growing up behind it and is been wiggly for a few weeks. I asked if the tooth fairy came and he said "No, I have it in a baggy in my backpack". Guess the tooth fairy doesn't know how to get Washington Terrace, but whatever.

So it was bed time and I got Drew ready and he said he needed to take the tooth out of the baggy, b/c the tooth fairy doesn't know how to open Ziploc. We convinced him that the tooth fairy probably has helpers to open the baggy b/c with our luck, he would lose it and I would be climbing around under his bed looking for it.

I kissed him good night and told him we would leave his (very noisy) door open a bit so the tooth fairy could come in and he said "Mom, the tooth fairy comes up the vent". Oh... OK. I told him his vent was closed so she would have to come up mine and then down the hall so we would leave the door open a bit so she could find the tooth.

About an hour had passed and Bryan was getting ready to come watch TV with me and was going in to get the tooth and leave money and comes into the room and said he was almost busted, Drew's still awake.

I went in to talk to Drew and he said he was waiting up for the tooth fairy. You know, just in case she couldn't get the Ziploc open. So we compromised. He would go to sleep if I unzipped the baggy. Within 15 minutes he was sound asleep and we were able to get the tooth and leave some money for him.

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